
Le château Saint-Pierre de Bodrum et ses défenseurs à quatre pattes au temps des Chevaliers de Rhodes


fr Anthropozoologica 43 (2) - Pages 39-46

Published on 29 December 2008

Saint-Pierre castle at Bodrum and its four-legged defenders in Knights of Rhodes' time

Some travellers of XVth and beginning of the XVIth century give information about Saint-Pierre castle (to day Bodrum, on the southern Turkish coast of the Egean) and the presence of dogs pertaining to the Knights and patrolling by themselves far from the fortress. Thanks to their nose, their are said to be able to distinguish a flying Christian from his Moslem pursuers. On the other hand, a traveller points out that they look like « Corsican dogs ». Is this the earliest attestation about the famous cursinu?


Knights of Rhodes, dog, smelling, cursinu (Corsican dog), Halicarnasse, Bodrum.

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