
Outils pour restituer les stratégies de chasse au cerf en Europe au Mésolithique et au Néolithique : analyses graphiques, statistiques et multivariées de courbes d'âges d'abattage

Jean-Denis VIGNE

fr Anthropozoologica 31 - Pages 57-68

Published on 01 December 2000

This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal management and demography through the ages

Mesolithic and Neolithic red deer hunting strategies in Europe: Graphical, statistical and multivariate analysis of archaeological age mortality profiles.

Nineteen European archaeological mortality profiles mainly dating to the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods are analysed by graphic, statistic (rank correlation test of Spearman) and multivariate (CA) methods. It appears that the first main parameter which determine the shape of profiles is the density of forests which determine, out of rut period, the frequency, size and composition of groups of animals, and consequently hunting strategy. The second parameter is the over-exploitation by man. Hunting seasonality and aims (meat, antler) only influence the profiles in third position. Spearman?s tests appears useful for quantifying selectivity level of culling structures, with reference to the survival profile of the present day population at Rhum island. Used together with the graphical analysis of detailed profiles, correspondence analyses is a very good way for characterising archaeological mortality profiles.


Cervus elaphus, Hunting, Mortality profiles, Archaeozoology, Mesolithic Neolithic.

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