
L'évolution du rituel funéraire à travers les offrandes animales des nécropoles gauloises de Bucy-le-Long (450/100 avant J.-C.)


fr Anthropozoologica 21 - Pages 245-252

Published on 01 November 1995

This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994

The evolution of the funerary ritual through animal offerings in the Gallic cemeteries of Bucy-le-Long (450/100 B.C.)

Animal offerings are common in the La Tène cemeteries of the Aisne Valley. Analysis of the cemeteries at Bucy-le-Long reveals important différences in wealthiness of graves not only within the varions phases of each cemetery, but also between the two cemeteries.


Cemeteries, Animal offering, La Tène, Diachronic study.

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