
Cryptogamie, Algologie 36 (1)

Published on
27 February 2015

en Barcoding of cryptic stages of marine brown algae isolated from incubated substratum reveals high diversity in Acinetosporaceae (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae)

Akira F. PETERS et al.

03-29, Published on 27 February 2015, art. 36 (1) DOI

en A molecular and morphological study of Corallina sensu lato (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) in the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula

Cristina PARDO et al.

31-54, Published on 27 February 2015, art. 36 (2) DOI

en Padina ditristromatica and Padina pavonicoides (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae): two new records for the marine benthic flora of the Mediterranean Spanish coasts

Antonio GÓMEZ GÓMEZ et al.

55-63, Published on 27 February 2015, art. 36 (3) DOI

en Reinstatement of species rank for Cystoseira bosphorica Sauvageau (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae)

Dimitar BEROV et al.

65-80, Published on 27 February 2015, art. 36 (4) DOI

en Comparison of lichen-forming cyanobacterial and green algal photobionts with free-living algae

Mostafa E. ELSHOBARY et al.

81-100, Published on 27 February 2015, art. 36 (5) DOI

fr Contribution to the genus Ostreopsisin Reunion Island (Indian Ocean): molecular, morphologic and toxicity characterization

Olga CARNICER et al.

101-119, Published on 27 February 2015, art. 36 (6) DOI