
Cryptogamie, Algologie 34 (3)

Published on
27 September 2013

en Notes on the marine algae of the Bermudas. 13. Helminthocladia kempii sp. nov. (Nemaliales, Liagoraceae) based upon H. calvadosii sensu auct. from the western Atlantic

Thea R. POPOLIZIO et al.

229-244, Published on 27 September 2013, art. 34 (13) DOI

en Morphological study of two closely related marine planktonic diatoms: Bellerochea malleusand Helicotheca tamesis


245-254, Published on 27 September 2013, art. 34 (14) DOI

en Validation of the generic name Gloeobacter Rippka et al. 1974, Cyanophyceae

Jan MARES et al.

255-262, Published on 27 September 2013, art. 34 (15) DOI

en The validation of the names Pseudobranchioglossum and its type species Pseudobranchioglossum senegalense (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta)

Michael J. WYNNE

263-271, Published on 27 September 2013, art. 34 (16) DOI

en Fredericqia deveauniensis, gen. et sp. nov. (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta), a new cryptogenic species

Christine A. MAGGS et al.

273-296, Published on 27 September 2013, art. 34 (17) DOI

en In Memoriam Mme Marcel GAYRAL born Paulette ENGERBAUD (1921-2011)


297-298, Published on 27 September 2013, art. 34 (18) DOI