Historical specimens of Liagoraceae (Rhodophyta) collected by Eugène Vieillard from New Caledonia in the 1850s and housed in the Leiden herbarium have been examined and their identities clarified. Included are: Liagora ceranoides, L. maderensis (a new record for New Caledonia), Ganonema farinosum, Ganonema filicoides (Kützing) comb. nov., and Yamadaella caenomyce. Type material of two species, Liagora tomentosa Kützing and Nemalion filicoides Kützing, is present. The former is shown to be a heterotypic synonym of Ganonema farinosum (Lamouroux) Fan et Wang. The latter is incorrectly placed in Nemalion and displays the cortical structure and reproductive development of Ganonema. Thus, the combination Ganomema filicoides (Kützing) Huisman et Millar is proposed. Ganonema filicoides is similar, if not identical, to the later named Ganonema samaense (Tseng) Huisman.