Lectotypes of Cystoseira adriatica Sauvageau, Cystoseira caespitosa Sauvageau, Cystoseira canariensis Sauvageau, Cystoseira mediterranea Sauvageau var. valiantei Sauvageau, Cystoseira platyclada Sauvageau, Cystoseira selaginoides Valiante var. gibraltarica Sauvageau and Cystoseira selaginoides Valiante var. polyoedematis Sauvageau were designated from the original collections of Sauvageau held in the Herbarium of the Laboratoire de Cryptogamie of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle of Paris (PC). The existence of the holotype of Cystoseria bosphorica Sauvageau in the Thuret-Bornet Herbarium is also noted.