
Heterotrophic euglenoid flagellates from the Sierra Nevada Natural Park area (Southern Spain)

David G. ANGELER, Gregorio GARCIA & Michael SCHAGERL

en Cryptogamie, Algologie 23 (4) - Pages 311-332

Published on 29 November 2002

In this study we report on 22 species of colourless euglenoid flagellates that were found in the Sierra Nevada Natural Park region (southern Spain), many of them rarely and infrequently reported from nature. Twelve taxa represent first records for Spain. Two species were of uncertain taxonomic affiliation. Illustrations, taxonomic information and biogeographical data are given for species belonging to the genera Astasia (4 species), Anisonema (2), Distigma (4), Entosiphon/Entosiphonomonas (1), Heteronema (1), Hyalophacus (1), Jenningsia (1), Metanema (1), Trachelomonas (1), Peranema/Pseudoperanema (1), Petalomonas (3) and Rhabdomonas (2).

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