Published on 31 May 1999
This is the first book on freshwater fish and crustacean species found on Réunion Island. It is intended for naturalists, researchers, teachers or fishermen. It has been drawn up as a tool for administrators in charge of management and conservation of aquatic communities. The main features of the various aquatic habitats on Réunion are presented in the first part of the book, together with the species found in these habitats. Then comes the history of local ichthyology and species introductions, followed by the catalogue of all species found on the island, with 25 fish species and 10 decapod crustacean species. For each one, a data sheet gives a description of the animal, a commentary on its biology and ecology, as well as its distribution with a detailed map. Original photographs or drawings illustrate the species, and easy to use identification keys will help with species differentiation.
KEITH P., VIGNEUX É. & BOSC P. 1999. — Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d’eau douce de La Réunion. Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 136 p. (Patrimoines naturels ; 39).