
Flore du Cameroun

Launched in 1963, Flore du Cameroun is published (from volume 21) by the Department of Scientific and Technical Research of Cameroon. Volumes 1‑20 published by the Muséum, are still available on this website.

ISSN: 0071-5875

Documents Phytogéographiques n°2

Documents Phytogéographiques n°2


Published in 1979

15,50 €

Documents Phytogéographiques n°1

Documents Phytogéographiques n°1

15,50 €

Chrysobalanaceae – Scytopetalaceae, Rosaceae

Chrysobalanaceae – Scytopetalaceae, Rosaceae

15,00 €

Celastraceae, Aquifoliaceae, Salvadoraceae, Pandaceae, Avicenniaceae, Bixaceae, Cannabaceae, Bombacaceae

Celastraceae, Aquifoliaceae, Salvadoraceae, Pandaceae, Avicenniaceae, Bixaceae, Cannabaceae, Bombacaceae

6,50 €

Lauraceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae

Lauraceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae

6,00 €

Other volumes of the serie "Flore du Cameroun"