Published on 24 December 2014
The family Apocynaceae contains about 450 genera and about 4 000 species distributed throughout the world but concentrated particularly in the Old and New World tropics. Currently, five subfamilies are recognised of which two, subfamilies Rauvolfioideae and Apocynoideae, are treated in this volume. In Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam they comprise 119 native species in 38 genera. In Vietnam 109 species are known, in Laos 64 species, and in Cambodia 49 species. Over half of the species are forest climbers, often large woody lianas, whilst the rest are shrubs or trees in a wide variety of terrestrial habitats. Seventeen species are endemic to the region, most of them in Vietnam.
This volume includes keys and detailed descriptions of all species, notes on their ecology and distributions, citations of all known specimens, line drawings to illustrate many of the species and colour photographs of 38 species.