
Valentina V. ROSINA

Author publications


Badenian and Sarmatian s.str. from the Carpathian area: Taxonomical notes concerning the Hungarian and Romanian small vertebrates and report on the ruminants from the Felsőtárkány Basin

HÍR J., VENCZEL M., CODREA V., RÖSSNER G. E., ANGELONE C., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L. W., ROSINA V. V., KIRSCHER U. & PRIETO J. 2017. — Badenian and Sarmatian s.str. from the Carpathian area: Taxonomical notes concerning the Hungarian and Romanian small vertebrates and report on the ruminants from the Felsőtárkány Basin. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (3): 312-332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2016.11.006

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