

Author publications


Iridaceae (2e éd. revue et mise à jour), Proteaceae, Montiniaceae, Myrothamnaceae, Ptaeroxylaceae

GOLDBLATT P., BOSSER J., RABEVOHITRA R., MILLOGO-RASOLODIMBY J., LEROY J. & LESCOT M. 1992. — . Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 119p. (Flore de Madagascar et des Comores ; 45).

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Dilleniaceae – Goodeniaceae – Iridaceae, Campynemataceae

VEILLON J.-M., MÜLLER I. H. & GOLDBLATT P. 1990. — . Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 137p. (Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie ; 16).

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The new species Aristea farafangana Goldblatt & Phillipson, sp. nov. (Iridaceae) from Madagascar, biogeographic notes on Aristea Aiton in Madagascar and a revised key to the genus

GOLDBLATT P., PHILLIPSON P. B. & MANNING J. C. 2013. — The new species Aristea farafangana Goldblatt & Phillipson, sp. nov. (Iridaceae) from Madagascar, biogeographic notes on Aristea Aiton in Madagascar and a revised key to the genus. Adansonia 2013 (1): 47-53. https://doi.org/10.5252/a2013n1a4

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A new native family and new endemic species for the flora of New Caledonia: Patersonia neocaledonica sp. nov. (Iridaceae, Patersonioideae), from the Mount Humboldt massif

GOLDBLATT P., MANNING J. C., MUNZINGER J. & LOWRY II P. P. 2011. — A new native family and new endemic species for the flora of New Caledonia: Patersonia neocaledonica sp. nov. (Iridaceae, Patersonioideae), from the Mount Humboldt massif. Adansonia 2011 (2): 201-208. https://doi.org/10.5252/a2011n2a4

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Pollination mechanisms in the African genus Moraea (Iridaceae, Iridoideae): floral divergence and adaptation for pollinators

GOLDBLATT P., BERNHARDT P. & MANNING J. C. 2005. — Pollination mechanisms in the African genus Moraea (Iridaceae, Iridoideae): floral divergence and adaptation for pollinators. Adansonia 2005 (1): 21-46.

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Evidence of bird pollination in Iridaceae of southern Africa

GOLDBLATT P., MANNING J. C. & BERNHARDT P. 1999. — Evidence of bird pollination in Iridaceae of southern Africa. Adansonia 1999 (1): 25-40.

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Aristea ranomafana Goldblatt, a new species of Iridaceae from Madagascar

GOLDBLATT P. 1995. — Aristea ranomafana Goldblatt, a new species of Iridaceae from Madagascar . Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section B, Adansonia : Botanique, Phytochimie 1995 (3-4): .

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Floral biology of Romulea (Iridaceae: Crocoideae): a progression from a generalist to a specialist pollination system

GOLDBLATT P., BERNHARDT P. & MANNING J. C. 2002. — Floral biology of Romulea (Iridaceae: Crocoideae): a progression from a generalist to a specialist pollination system. Adansonia 2002 (2): 243-262.

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A synoptic review of Romulea (Iridaceae: Crocoideae) in sub-Saharan Africa, including new species, biological notes, and a new infrageneric classification

MANNING J. C. & GOLDBLATT P. 2001. — A synoptic review of Romulea (Iridaceae: Crocoideae) in sub-Saharan Africa, including new species, biological notes, and a new infrageneric classification. Adansonia 2001 (1): 59-108.

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Adaptive radiation of pollination mechanisms in Sparaxis (Iridaceae: Ixioideae)

GOLDBLATT P., MANNING J. C. & BERNHARDT P. 2000. — Adaptive radiation of pollination mechanisms in Sparaxis (Iridaceae: Ixioideae). Adansonia 2000 (1): 57-70.

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