
Christine PERGENT

Author publications


Introduction of a new potential invader into the Mediterranean Sea: the Indo-Pacific Avrainvillea amadelpha (Montagne) A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp (Dichotomosiphonaceae, Ulvophyceae)

VERLAQUE M., LANGAR H., BEN HMIDA A., PERGENT C. & PERGENT G. 2017. — Introduction of a new potential invader into the Mediterranean Sea: the Indo-Pacific Avrainvillea amadelpha (Montagne) A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp (Dichotomosiphonaceae, Ulvophyceae). Cryptogamie, Algologie 2017 (3): 267-281. https://doi.org/10.7872/crya/v38.iss3.2017.267

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