Author publications
Animal remains enclosed in oval clay objects from the "Burnt Village" of Tell Sabi Abyad, northern Syria
CAVALLO C. 1998. — Animal remains enclosed in oval clay objects from the "Burnt Village" of Tell Sabi Abyad, northern Syria, in KOKABI M. & WAHL J. (éds), Actes du 7ème colloque de l'International Council for Archaeozoology, Constance, septembre 1994. Anthropozoologica 25-26: 663-670.
The role of hunting at Tell Sabi Abyad, a later Neolitic settlement in northern Syria
CAVALLO C. 1993. — The role of hunting at Tell Sabi Abyad, a later Neolitic settlement in northern Syria, in DESSE J. & AUDOIN-ROUZEAU F. (éds), Exploitation des animaux sauvages à travers le temps : XIIIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes – IVe colloque international de l’Homme et l’Animal, Société de recherche interdisciplinaire, Antibes, 15-17 octobre 1992. Anthropozoologica HS (1): 275-278.