

Author publications


Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey. 2. Aves: Struthionidae

JANOO A. & SEN S. 1998. — Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey. 2. Aves: Struthionidae, in SEN S. (ed.), Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, TurkeyPliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey. Geodiversitas 20 (3): 339-351.

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On a hitherto undescribed Dodo cranium, Raphus cucullatus L. (Aves, Columbiformes), with a brief taxonomical overview of this extinct flightless Mascarene Island bird

JANOO A. 1996. — On a hitherto undescribed Dodo cranium, Raphus cucullatus L. (Aves, Columbiformes), with a brief taxonomical overview of this extinct flightless Mascarene Island bird. Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section C – Sciences de la Terre, Paléontologie, Géologie, Minéralogie 1996 (4): 57-77.

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