Andréa Pereira LUIZI-PONZO
Author publications
Spore morphology and ultrastructure of the tropical moss Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid. (Helicophyllaceae) in relation to systematics and evolution
LUIZI-PONZO A. P. & MELHEM T. S. 2006. — Spore morphology and ultrastructure of the tropical moss Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid. (Helicophyllaceae) in relation to systematics and evolution. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2006 (4): 413-420.
Distribution of bryophytes in south-eastern Brazil: an approach on floristic similarity and environmental filtering
DE AMORIM E. T., CARVALHO F. A., DOS SANTOS N. D. & LUIZI-PONZO A. P. 2017. — Distribution of bryophytes in south-eastern Brazil: an approach on floristic similarity and environmental filtering. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2017 (1): 3-17.