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Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic

Edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

This tribute to Stéphane Peigné gathers together a number of researchers who knew and collaborated with him on the two orders of mammals for which he felt a special affinity. The various articles herein adhere to this theme by dealing with the taxonomy, phylogeny, paleoneurology, paleoecology, and functional morphology of the different families constituting these orders. The topics range in geological time from the Eocene to the Pliocene and in geography from northern China in the east to Spain in the west, by way of Turkey and France, and southward into Africa, from Egypt to Kenya. The volume represents an important collection of current work on these topics by an international group of experts.

This thematic issue (2 printed volumes) is now available in print-on-demand.

BONIS L. de & WERDELIN L. (eds) 2019. — Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic/Mémorial Stéphane Peigné – Carnassiers (Hyaenodonta et Carnivora) du Cénozoïque. Geodiversitas, vol. 41, arts 6, 15, 18, 21, 23 ; vol. 42, arts 1, 3, 5, 8-10, 13, 15-19.


fr en Stéphane Peigné (1973-2017) – Obituary

Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

327-342, Published on 23 July 2020, art. 42 (19) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en On the morphology of the astragalus and calcaneus of the amphicyonids (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the Paleogene of Europe: implications for the ecology of the European bear-dogs

Morgane FOURNIER et al.

305-325, Published on 16 July 2020, art. 42 (18) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en Ecometrics and Neogene faunal turnover: the roles of cats and hindlimb morphology in the assembly of carnivoran communities in the New World

P. David POLLY

257-304, Published on 02 July 2020, art. 42 (17) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en Description of a new species of Cynodictis Bravard & Pomel, 1850 (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the Quercy Phosphorites with comments on the use of skull morphology for phylogenetics

Kévin LE VERGER et al.

239-255, Published on 25 June 2020, art. 42 (16) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en New fossils of Amphicyonidae (Carnivora) from the middle Miocene (MN6) site of Carpetana (Madrid, Spain)

Gema SILICEO et al.

223-238, Published on 18 June 2020, art. 42 (15) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en The hyaenodonts (Mammalia) from the French locality of Aumelas (Hérault), with possible new representatives from the late Ypresian

Floréal SOLÉ et al.

185-214, Published on 04 June 2020, art. 42 (13) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en The saber-toothed cat Homotherium latidens (Owen, 1846) from the lower Pleistocene locality Dafnero, Western Macedonia, Greece

George D. KOUFOS et al.

139-149, Published on 30 April 2020, art. 42 (10) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en A skull of Machairodus Kaup, 1833 (Felidae, Mammalia) from the late Miocene of Hadjidimovo (Bulgaria), and its place in the evolution of the genus


123-137, Published on 16 April 2020, art. 42 (9) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en A new hypercarnivorous mustelid (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae) from Batallones, late Miocene (MN10), Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid, Spain

Alberto VALENCIANO et al.

103-121, Published on 02 April 2020, art. 42 (8) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN

en A new species of the amphicyonid carnivore Cynelos Jourdan, 1862 from the early Miocene of North America

Robert M. Jr HUNT & Daniel A. YATKOLA

57-67, Published on 05 March 2020, art. 42 (5) DOI LSID
This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial to Stéphane Peigné – Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic edited by Louis de BONIS & Lars WERDELIN
