
Comptes Rendus Palevol

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One hundred years after Marey: some aspects of Functional Morphology today

Edited by Jean-Pierre GASC, Sabine RENOUS & Armand de RICQLÈS

GASC J.-P., RENOUS S. & RICQLÈS A. d. (eds) 2006. — One hundred years after Marey: some aspects of Functional Morphology today/Cent ans après Jules-Étienne Marey : aspects de la morphologie fonctionnelle aujourd'hui. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 5 (3-4).


fr Équipe de rédaction

Published on 30 April 2006, art. 5 (56) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue One hundred years after Marey: some aspects of Functional Morphology today edited by Jean-Pierre GASC et al.
