

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


fr Actualité scientifique / Recension d'ouvrage

Jean-Pierre DIGARD

XIII-XIV, Published on 14 June 2019, art. 54 (8) DOI

fr Actualité scientifique/À propos

Frédéric SAUMADE

VII-XII, Published on 24 May 2019, art. 54 (7) DOI

en The ways of fish beyond the sea: fish circulation and consumption in the Atacama desert, northern Chile, during the Formative period (500 cal B.C.-700 cal A.D.)

Benjamín BALLESTER et al.

55-76, Published on 03 May 2019, art. 54 (6) DOI

en Pack goats in the Neolithic Middle East


45-53, Published on 12 April 2019, art. 54 (5) DOI

en A zooarchaeological study of Rangifer tarandus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Croxton site in Brooks Range, Alaska, and implications for utility analysis

Martina L. STEFFEN

29-43, Published on 22 March 2019, art. 54 (4) DOI

en The wonder whale: a commodity, a monster, a show and an icon

Cristina BRITO et al.

13-27, Published on 01 March 2019, art. 54 (3) DOI

fr Actualité scientifique / Recension d'ouvrage

Jean-Pierre DIGARD

III-V, Published on 08 February 2019, art. 54 (2) DOI

en The equids represented in cave art and current horses: a proposal to determine morphological differences and similarities


1-12, Published on 18 January 2019, art. 54 (1) DOI


fr Protéger et abattre les bovins au pays de la « vache sacrée » : usages symboliques, politiques et économiques des vaches et des buffles dans l’Inde contemporaine


207-222, Published on 28 December 2018, art. 53 (18) DOI

en Feasting among Venda-speakers of South Africa: the Late Iron Age fauna from Mutokolwe

Munyadziwa MAGOMA et al.

195-205, Published on 07 December 2018, art. 53 (17) DOI
