This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.
Animals as wealth in the African Iron Age: the origins of status?
47-52, Published on 01 October 1992, art. 16 (5)This article is a part of the thematic issue Animals and their products in trade and exchange. Proceedings of the 3rd international meeting of HASRI, Oxford, 8-11 November 1990 edited by Annie GRANT
Reciprocity and redistribution in Kalasha prestige feasts
37-46, Published on 01 October 1992, art. 16 (4)This article is a part of the thematic issue Animals and their products in trade and exchange. Proceedings of the 3rd international meeting of HASRI, Oxford, 8-11 November 1990 edited by Annie GRANT
Exchange of live stock in early christian Ireland, ad 450-1150
31-36, Published on 01 October 1992, art. 16 (3)This article is a part of the thematic issue Animals and their products in trade and exchange. Proceedings of the 3rd international meeting of HASRI, Oxford, 8-11 November 1990 edited by Annie GRANT
From reciprocity to redistribution: modelling the exchange of livestock in neolithic Greece
19-30, Published on 01 October 1992, art. 16 (2)This article is a part of the thematic issue Animals and their products in trade and exchange. Proceedings of the 3rd international meeting of HASRI, Oxford, 8-11 November 1990 edited by Annie GRANT
Hunting in farming societies: the prehistoric perspective
7-18, Published on 01 October 1992, art. 16 (1)This article is a part of the thematic issue Animals and their products in trade and exchange. Proceedings of the 3rd international meeting of HASRI, Oxford, 8-11 November 1990 edited by Annie GRANT
À propos de l'abattage sans effusion de sang : le cas du porc en Corse du sud
Jean-Denis VIGNE & Marie-Christine MARINVAL-VIGNE
73-76, Published on 01 December 1991, art. 14-15 (9)À propos d'une technique d'abattage des caprinés dans les Monts Nebrodi (nord-est de la Sicile)
69-72, Published on 01 December 1991, art. 14-15 (8)Premiers résultats concernant l'étude de la cuisson des aliments sur le site d'Andone (Charente, Xe-XIe s.)
67-68, Published on 01 December 1991, art. 14-15 (7)Les Gaulois et la chasse : pour un commentaire d’Arrien
65-66, Published on 01 December 1991, art. 14-15 (6)Les anciens Égyptiens élevaient-ils des pélicans ?
Jacques SCHNEIDER & Jean-François VOISIN
63-64, Published on 01 December 1991, art. 14-15 (5)