This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.
Étude archéomalacologique du gisement mésolithique de El Truchiro (Omoño, Ribamontán al Monte, Cantabrie)
153-170, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (11)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
De l’art d’engraisser les bovins dans le berceau de la Charolaise
137-151, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (10)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
Archaeological refuse fauna in Finland: Understanding the role of bone combustion
Samuel VANEECKHOUT et al.
125-134, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (9)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
Caribou hunting and utilization in West Greenland: Past and present variants
111-123, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (8)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
To freeze or to dry: Seasonal variability in caribou processing and storage in the barrenlands of Northern Canada
89-109, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (7)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
Foraging efficiency and small game: The importance of dovekie (Alle alle) in Inughuit subsistence
75-88, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (6)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
Archaeofaunal signatures of specialized bowhead whaling in the Western Canadian Arctic: a regional study
Matthew W. BETTS & T. Max FRIESEN
53-73, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (5)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
Evidence for intensive walrus hunting by Thule Inuit, northwest Foxe Basin, Nunavut, Canada
37-51, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (4)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
The modus operandi of walrus exploitation during the Palaeoeskimo period at the Tayara site, Arctic Canada
Hervé MONCHOT et al.
15-36, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (3)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN
Archéozoologie circumpolaire : avant-propos de l’éditeur scientifique
9-11, Published on 28 June 2013, art. 48 (2)This article is a part of the thematic issue Circumpolar archaeozoology in the new and old worlds. Arctic Hunter-Gatherers in Context. edited by T. Max FRIESEN