
The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana


en Zoosystema 42 (20) - Pages 355-398

Published on 24 July 2020

This article is a part of the thematic issue “Our Planet Reviewed” 2015 large-scale biotic survey in Mitaraka, French Guiana

The crickets of the tribe Paroecanthini Gorochov, 1986 (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Gryllidae, Oecanthinae) present in the collections of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, are studied, including those collected during the “La Planète Revisitée – Mitaraka 2015” biological survey. Two species are redescribed, i.e., Tafalisca elongata elongata (Chopard, 1912) n. comb. and Brazitrypa maroniensis (Chopard, 1930) n. comb. Nine species new to science are also described, i.e., Adenophallusia legendrei n. sp., Adenophallusia aratayensis n. sp., Brazitrypa cornuta n. sp., Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) mitarakensis n. sp., Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) guyanensis n. sp., Perutrella septentrionalis n. sp., Stenoecanthus planixiphus n. sp., Tafalisca hugeli n. sp. and Tafalisca ansoi n. sp. The diversity of the Paroecanthini in French Guiana is discussed considering the huge morphological diversity observed in this tribe. The identification key presented elsewhere for Brazilian Paroecanthini (Campos et al. 2020) is extended to Guyanese species.


Neotropics, French Guiana, diversity, new synonyms, new combinations, new species

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