The discovery of syntypes of the species Rana bibroni Hallowell, 1845 in the collections of the Paris Natural History Museum, sent by Hallowell himself to Duméril, resolves the puzzling problem caused by the loss of the syntypes deposited in the collections of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia. The study of the syntypes in our possession, one of which is designated as lectotype, shows that Rana bibroni corresponds to the species described by Andersson in 1937 under the name Rana maccarthyensis. The specimens incorrectly refered to Ptychadena bibroni by Guibé & Lamotte due to the incorrect use of the term "distal extremity of antepenultimate" for the webbing in Hallowell's diagnosis, are here described as Ptychadena pujoli n.sp.
Systematics, nomenclature, morphometrics, Ptychadena, Ranidae.