
La part des suidés dans le vocabulaire grec et latin

Jacques ANDRÉ

fr Anthropozoologica 14-15 - Pages 5-24

Published on 01 December 1991

The part of the suidae in greek and latin vocabulary

The animal world is a continuous source of comparisons which give birth to lexical creations by transfer from one kingdom to another — from animal to vegetable — and from one species to another within one kingdom. The connections, often ill-defined, between the animal world and the rest of nature have been listed and jus-tified by means of the extension of a lexical associative field first limited to a single species, that of the suidae — wild and domesticated — bringing out the close links of the boar (through hunting) and the pig (through food and various by-products) with man, together with the transfer from a familiar terrestrial animal to others, aquatic and above all marine, effected by populations coming from inland areas.


Animal Species, Metaphor, Transfer.

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