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Description de deux nouveaux genres endémiques et de quatre nouvelles espèces de Ceratocanthinae (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Hybosoridae) de Madagascar

Article - Zoosystema 30 (3) - 30/09/2008

1898) n. comb. 21 Two new endemic genera of Ceratocanthinae are described from Madagascar. ... represents a hot spot of diversity for Ceratocanthinae, with a fauna comprising 21 species divided in four ... sculpturing and setation along outer margin. Wings (Fig. 12A) (L wing/L elytron ratio = 2.1): with reduced and ...

Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae and Pectinidae) des Monts sous-marins Tarava, des Îles de la Société et de l’Archipel des Tuamotu (Polynésie française)

Article - Zoosystema 35 (3) - 27/09/2013

DW 3442, 16˚41’S, 151˚26’W, 515-550 m, 1 rv; stn DW 3451, 16˚53’S, 151˚21’W, 440-490 m, 2 lv, 3 rv; stn ... 1013-1060 m, 1 rv; stn DW 3451, 16˚53’S, 151˚21’W, 440-490 m, 1 lv; stn DW 3484, 17˚47’S, 149˚23’W, 300-650 m, ... Holotype spm (MHNB 2004.TY.150). Society Islands. Tarasoc, stn DW 3451, 16˚53’S, 151˚21’W, 440-490 m, 1 rv. ...

Les transferts de cervidés entre les parcs à gibier durant les seizième et dix-septième siècles

Article - Anthropozoologica 16 - 01/10/1992

pratique s'est perdue peu à peu. 21 From the period c. 1500-1688 in Scotland and England there exists ... MacGREGOR 1992 01/10/1992 az1992n16a21.pdf 167 DEER ON THE MOVE: RELOCATION OF STOCK BETWEEN GAME PARKS IN ... FENTON (1984, 116-21) discusses various forms of travois which continued in use in the Highlands until ...

Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae (Marchantiophyta) in Thailand

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 33 (1) - 27/01/2012

tumida) 19. Leaves not squarrose when moist, free margin of lobule plane............21 20. Ventral margin ... involuted........................................................ Schiffneriolejeunea tumida var. tumida 21. Lobule with 1 tooth (1-2 cells long)........... ... Schiffneriolejeunea polycarpa 21. Lobule with 2 teeth (2-3 cells long)...... Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis 22. ...

La distribution de la culture acheuléenne et ses itinéraires possibles en Turquie

Article - Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (1-2) - 28/02/2018

Tarih-Cog˘rafya Fakültesi Dergisi 21. 43. Kars’ın Tarih Öncesi Hakkında I˙lk Kısa Rapor. Belleten –472. 47a. Bazı ... 275–276. 971. Keban Baraj Gölü Alanında Tas¸ Devri Aras¸ tırmaları. jesi 1969 C¸ alıs¸ maları I/2, 13–21 ... 21. Aras¸ tırma Sonuc¸ ları Toplantısı II, 295–304. Tas¸ kıran, H., Kartal, M., 2008. Ilısu Baraj Gölü ...

Un nouveau genre de copépode Notodelphyidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) parasite d’une ascidie coloniale du Canal de Suez

Article - Zoosystema 27 (3) - 30/09/2005

in Baie de Morlaix and Baie de St-Malo was published by Bocquet & Stock (1961). They reviewed the ...

Les plus anciens Polyxenida (Myriapoda, Diplopoda), découverts récemment dans l’ambre crétacé du Liban et de France

Article - Geodiversitas 26 (4) - 31/12/2004

photographic artwork. We also sincerely thank Dr. Joseph Hannibal and Dr. André Nel for their helpful reviews ...

Révision de Kuwaita Mohammad, 1973 (Annelida, Polychaeta, Lumbrineridae)

Article - Zoosystema 24 (2) - 28/06/2002

locality, and the characters of the specimen agree with the original description. Reviewing all the records ...

Additions à la faune profonde d’échiures (Echiura) de l’Atlantique nord-est

Article - Zoosystema 28 (4) - 29/12/2006

Proceedings of the United States National Museum 96: 215-292. FISHER W. K. 1948. — A review of the ...

Espèces du genre Friesea (Collembola, Neanuridae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie et du Vanuatu

Article - Zoosystema 31 (3) - 30/09/2009

For a narrative of the expedition, see Bouchet et al. (2008), and for a review of the geography and ...
