

Insectes, Lépidoptères, Thyrididae

Paul Ernest Sutton WHALLEY — To be published

Insectes, Hétéroptères, Lygaeidae, Blissinae

James A. SLATER — To be published

Insectes, Diptères, Culicidae, Anophelinae

Alexis GRJÉBINE — To be published

Insectes, Coléoptères Erotylidae

Hans PHILIPP — To be published

Insectes, Lépidoptères Noctuidae Amphipyrinae (part.)

Pierre VIETTE — To be published

Insectes, Lépidoptères, Amatidae

Paul GRIVEAUD — To be published


R. Dr LUMARET — To be published

Lépidoptères, Eupterotidae et Attacidae

Paul GRIVEAUD — To be published

Lépidoptères, Sphingidae

Paul GRIVEAUD — To be published

Hémiptères, Enicocephalidae

André VILLIERS — To be published
