
Antrodiella stipitata sp. nov. from Heilongjiang Province, northeast China, and a critical checklist of polypores from the area

Hai Sheng YUAN, J. LI, Ming Yun HUANG & Yu-Cheng DAI

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 27 (1) - Pages 21-29

Published on 31 March 2006

Four hundreds and eleven specimens of wood-inhabiting fungi were collected in Hulin and Ningan County, respectively in eastern and southern Heilongjiang province during September 2004. One hundred and twenty two polypores species were identified among 332 poroid specimens. Three collections were found to represent an undescribed species, proposed here as Antrodiella stipitata H.S. Yuan & Y.C. Dai. A checklist of poroid Aphyllophorales from the studied area is provided.

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