
Odeurs des champignons : chimie et rôle dans les interactions biotiques – une revue

Nicolas CHIRON & Didier MICHELOT

fr Cryptogamie, Mycologie 26 (4) - Pages 299-364

Published on 30 December 2005

Mushrooms odors, chemistry and role in the biotic interactions – a review.

A checklist of 250 scent compounds is presented. These volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) have been retrieved in 129 fungal species (126 Macromycetes and 3 Micromycetes pathogenic for plants: Puccinia), the odours of which have been described by mycologists. The present survey is based on reports published since 1936. Six chemical groups of volatile organic compounds are distinguishable: plain hydrocarbons, heterocycles, alcohols, phenols, acids and derivatives, together with sulphur containing molecules. Some of these secondary metabolites are involved in fungus/animal interactions in their own biotic environment together in reproduction and development processes.

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