Ultraviolet light observation of residual color patterns on the shells of many Cenozoic gastropods provides characters to refine the description of fossil species. Here we apply this method to the discrimination of three species of Eocene Cryptochorda from the Paris Basin and Cotentin so far confused with the classical species Cryptochorda (s.str.) stromboides (Hermann, 1781). These species are named: Cryptochorda (s.str.) altavesna n. sp., C. (s.str.) neptis n. sp. and C. (s.str.) cosediensis n. sp. The stratigraphic and geographical distribution of type species C. (s.str.) stromboides is thus redefined. Cryptochorda (s.str.) teae n. sp. is also described from the Ypresian (Lower Eocene) of Italy. A historical review of the literature on the genus taxonomy is carried out and a biographical note is provided for Jean Hermann, descriptor of the type species Cryptochorda.
Harpidae, Cryptochordinae, residual colour patterns, shell character, Caenozoic, Eocene, France, Italy, neotypification, new species