
Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the late Miocene of Akkașdağı, Turkey

Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE & Gerçek SARAÇ

en Geodiversitas 27 (4) - Pages 601-632

Published on 31 December 2005

This article is a part of the thematic issue Geology, mammals and environments at Akkașdağı, late Miocene of Central Anatolia

More than 120 rhinocerotid remains unearthed in the middle Turolian locality of Akkașdağı (Central Anatolia) are described. The fauna is diversified, with a pair of large two-horned species, Ceratotherium neumayri (Osborn, 1900) and Stephanorhinus pikermiensis (Toula, 1906), and two smaller species of short limbed aceratheriines (Chilotherium sp. and Acerorhinus sp.). Ceratotherium neumayri is by far the most common species, with a complete skull, 114 specimens and at least 11 individuals. The cranial, dental and postcranial remains of C. neumayri are among the largest ones described so far for this species. The coexistence of C. neumayri, S. pikermiensis, and chilotheres is common in the Turolian of Eastern Mediterranean: comparable rhinocerotid associations are known at Kavakdere (MN 12, Turkey) and Samos (MN 12, Greece). The large size of the C. neumayri specimens is consistent with the middle Turolian age for Akkașdag˘ ı (MN 12), as stated on the whole mammalian fauna and radiometric data.


Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae, Ceratotherium neumayri, middle Turolian, Akkașdağı, Central Anatolia, Turkey

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