
Nitellopsis (Tectochara) du groupe merianii (Charophyta) : les populations de la molasse suisse (types) et du gisement miocène de Li Mae Long, Thaïlande, biostratigraphie et paléoécologie

Jean-Pierre BERGER

fr Geodiversitas 19 (4) - Pages 773-781

Published on 23 December 1997

The charophytes of the Miocene deposits from Li belong to the same taxon: Nitellopsis (Tectochara) merianii group. The morphologic and statistic characters of these gyrogonites are compared with those from the European deposits, including the type population of the Swiss molasse. The use of these charophytes is still questionable for stratigraphic purpose (only Oligo-Miocene) but they represent a good paleogeographic step for the comprehension of the charophyte common evolution between Europe and South Asia.


Miocene, charophytes, Thailand, Swiss molasse, Taxonomy, Paleoecology

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