
Three new Neotropical species and a new genus of land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Geoplaninae)

Karine Gobetti de OLIVEIRA, Laura Bianco BOLONHEZI, Ana Laura ALMEIDA, Domingo LAGO-BARCIA & Fernando CARBAYO

en European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 (705) - Pages 1-21

Published on 20 August 2020

Three new Neotropical land planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Geoplaninae) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest are described. Obama apiguara Oliveira, Almeida & Carbayo sp. nov. presents glandular fossae opening through dorsal epithelium, a structure not documented previously among land flatworms. Paraba tata Bolonhezi, Lago-Barcia & Carbayo sp. nov., is characterized by a prostatic vesicle horizontal with an inconspicuous bifurcate portion, a penis papilla as long as male atrium and a female genital duct projected from the postero-dorsal section of the female atrium. The third new species is distinctive in the extraordinarily thick muscle surrounding the prostatic vesicle, a finger-shaped penis papilla, and a dilated female genital cavity. These attributes stands the species apart from all members of Geoplaninae and Piima ata Carbayo gen. et sp. nov. is proposed.


Planarians, Geoplanidae, Obama, Paraba, Piima Carbayo gen nov., glandular fossae.

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