
Une méthode de modélisation graphique par ordinateur pour l'étude des coraux et des récifs coralliens : étude préliminaire

Jean-Marc DAUGET

fr Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section A – Zoologie, Biologie et Écologie animales 18 (1-2) - Pages 13-21

Published on 17 July 1996

A computerized graphic modelling method for the study of corals and coral reefs: a preliminary study

We present the basis of a computer modelling method that we applied to corals. Using both architectural analysis of species and elaboration of computer programs, it allows three dimensional synthesis images of corals structures. It can be used at the polyp level, at the colony level, and can be extended to the study of reef plots.


Coral, coral reef, Scleractinian, modelling, computer simulation, method