
Structure spécifique d'une végétation sahélienne. Cas de Wiidu Thiengoli (Ferlo, Sénégal)

Léonard-Elie AKPO, André GASTON & MIchel GROUZIS

fr Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section B, Adansonia : Botanique, Phytochimie 17 (1-2) - Pages 39-52

Published on 18 July 1995

Specific structure of a sahelian vegetation. The case of Wiidu Thiengoli (Ferlo, Senegal).

The structure of the herbaceous forest layer around Wiidu Thiengoli drilling site has been studied for a fifteen-year-period to determine spatial structure floristic composition. The data was analysed, using multidimensional methods (Factorial analysis of correlation) and showed high variability in floristic composition and a ì memory effect î. This latter is more important when the reference year is exceptionally dry or wet. Comparison of floristic sampling among sites near the drilling (highly disturbed) with sites farthest away (undisturbed) showed that there are specific floristic composition changes correlated with zoo-anthropic disturbance.

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