
Un Leptactina (Rubiaceae, Pavetteae) nouveau de République Centrafricaine : Leptactina deblockiae

Danho Fursy Rodelec NEUBA, Jean LEJOLY & Bonaventure SONKÉ

fr Adansonia 28 (2) - Pages 373-378

Published on 29 December 2006

A new Leptactina (Rubiaceae, Pavetteae) from Central African Republic: Leptactina deblockiae

A new species of Leptactina (Rubiaceae) with axillary inflorescences, gibbous stipules and fruits ellipsoid from Cenral African Republic, L. deblockiae Neuba & Sonké, is described and illustrated here. Affinities of this new taxon with other species of Leptactina is discussed. A key of Leptactina species with axillary inflorescences is provided.


Rubiaceae, Pavetteae, Leptactina, Central African Republic, new species

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