

Author publications


Between two worlds: Cova Eirós and the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in NW Iberia

LOMBERA-HERMIDA A. d., RODRÍGUEZ-ÁLVAREZ X.-P., AMEIJENDA IGLESIAS A., DÍAZ RODRÍGUEZ M., REY-RODRÍGUEZ I., VALVERDE TEJEDOR I., PÉREZ-ALBERTI A., CUNHA P. P., BAL GARCÍA H., ALDEA MOREIRA X., LORENZO SALGUEIRO C., MOSQUERA CASTRO T. & FÁBREGAS-VALCARCE R. 2021. — Between two worlds: Cova Eirós and the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in NW Iberia, in RODRÍGUEZ-ÁLVAREZ X.-P., OTTE M., LOMBERA-HERMIDA A. d. & FÁBREGAS-VALCARCE R. (eds), Palaeolithic of Northwest Iberia and beyond: multidisciplinary approaches to the analysis of Late Quaternary hunter-gatherer societiesPalaeolithic of Northwest Iberia and beyond: multidisciplinary approaches to the analysis of Late Quaternary hunter-gatherer societies. Comptes Rendus Palevol 20 (42): 859-886. https://doi.org/10.5852/cr-palevol2021v20a42

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Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3

VAQUERO M., VAN DER MADE J., BLAIN H.-A., IBÁÑEZ N., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., RIVALS F., ALONSO S., AMEIJENDA A., BENNÀSAR M., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA M., DE LOMBERA-HERMIDA A. & VALVERDE I. 2018. — Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (8): 557-593. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2018.03.004

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