

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


en A dog’s life: interpreting Migration Period dog burials from Hungary

László BARTOSIEWICZ et al.

9-22, Published on 10 February 2023, art. 58 (2) DOI

en The Brooklyn snake papyrus: why the enigmatic kȝrȝ could be a chameleon


1-8, Published on 13 January 2023, art. 58 (1) DOI


fr Actualités scientifiques / Recensions d’ouvrages

Nicolas MORAND et al.

271-280, Published on 09 December 2022, art. 57 (13)

en Where are we now? Early Medieval archaeozoology in Slovenia: an overview


255-270, Published on 04 November 2022, art. 57 (12) DOI

en Human-puma (Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771)) relations in the Dry Chaco of Córdoba, Argentina

Thiago COSTA et al.

241-253, Published on 07 October 2022, art. 57 (11) DOI

en An emic understanding of honey bees and their environment: attracting bee swarms to nest on rafters in Belitung, Indonesia

Nicolas CÉSARD

223-239, Published on 02 September 2022, art. 57 (10) DOI

en Relations between metatarsal proximal extremity parameters and weight and height at the withers of the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius Linnaeus, 1758) in the Sahraoui and Targui “breeds”.

Baaissa BABELHADJ et al.

211-221, Published on 05 August 2022, art. 57 (9) DOI

en The dama gazelle Nanger dama (Pallas, 1766) in Saharan rock art


185-209, Published on 01 July 2022, art. 57 (8) DOI

fr De l’origine du chien et de sa diffusion à l’aune de sa mythologie

Julien D'HUY

169-184, Published on 03 June 2022, art. 57 (7) DOI

en Gaming and divination pieces, markers of ownership, or all three? Zooarchaeology and the interpretation of knuckle bones found in tombs of the Iberian necropolis of El Poblado (Coimbra del Barranco Ancho, Murcia, Spain)

Paula THOMAS et al.

157-166, Published on 06 May 2022, art. 57 (6) DOI
