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The rediscovery of the liverworts Anastrophyllum donnianum and A. saxicola in Central Europe (Slovakia, Tatra Mountains)

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 30 (3) - 31/07/2009

distinguished genus Sphenolobus (De Roo et al., 2007) jointly include 10 species in Europe (Schumacker & ... Vá≈a, 1983). Similarly, in the Polish Tatras, the most recent observations were made in the 19th century ... Hornworts. Lund, Nordic bryological society, 837 p. 414 P. Górski DE ROO R. T., HEDDERSON T. A. & ...

Corrigendum à l'article “First Mammal of Gondwanan lineage in the early Eocene of India” [C. R. Palevol, Kapur et al. 16 (2017)]

Article - Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (7) - 31/10/2017

oi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2017.01.002. mps, E. de., 1862. Synopsis des Agrionines. Seconde légion: Lestès. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. (Sér. ... Selys Longchamps de., 1862 Selys Longchamps E. de. Synopsis des Agrionines. Seconde légion : Lestès ... Dr. Gilles Escarguel (“Laboratoire d’écologie des hydrosytèmes naturels et anthropisés”, e, France) ...

Abundant but neglected: Past and present of liverwort (Marchantiophyta) studies in Malaysia

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39 (1) - 26/01/2018

besonderer Beziehung auf Schlesien und de Örtlichkeiten des Riesengebirge, volume 3. Breslau. NG S.Y., KAMADA ... Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, Case Postale 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris cedex 05, ... studied by De Notaris (1874, 1876) who recorded a total of 51 species including 28 new species and one new ...

A systematic revision of the genus Lejeunea Lib. Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) in Malaysia

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 34 (4) - 25/10/2013

Leaves were taken from the mid portions of the stem for measurement. Oil bodies were usually observed ... observations on anatomy of underleaf bases, oil bodies and vegetative propagules which have been little studied ... can be observed at the underleaf base whereas the superior central cells can be seen only in cross- or ...

Wallace's line and the distribution of the liverworts of Sulawesi

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28 (1) - 26/01/2007

Philippines, Borneo, * Correspondence and reprints: sgradst@uni-goettingen.de 4 N. S.Aryanti & S. R. ... Gottsche) Lacout. + – A Denotarisia linguifolia (De Not.) Grolle – + A Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees et ... – + A *Schistochila doriae (De Not.) Trevis. – + W Schistochila sciurea (Nees) Schiffn. – + A Spruceanthus polymorphus ...

Contribution à la flore du Portugal, lichens et champignons lichéniques IV

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 26 (1) - 25/03/2005

den, 1999- Checklist van de Nederlandse lichenen en lichenicole fungi. Buxbaumiella 50(1): 1-64. BOOM ... repleta Czarnota & Coppins Algarve, Serra de Monchique, 1 km N of Caldas de Monchique, Olea orchard ... erythrophaea Flôrke Alentejo, SE of Alvito, Baragem de Odivelas, valley with various trees, on Fraxinus ...

Lichenological studies in the western sectors of the Alps: Sesia Valley (Piedmont, Italy)

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 29 (2) - 27/06/2008

travail a eu pour objectif l'étude de la diversité des lichens dans les régions montagneuses des ... la diversité des lichens dans les régions montagneuses des Alpes. 191 taxa sont présents dans la ... catalogue, avec des remarques relatives à l'écologie et à la distribution, est présenté. 15 The purpose ...

Pluteus section Hispidoderma in Brazil with new records based on morphological and molecular data

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 36 (3) - 25/09/2015

Jr. a,b, Alfredo JUSTO c & Marina CAPELARI b aInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia ... de São Paulo, Campus São Paulo, CCT/Biologia, Rua Pedro Vicente 625, São Paulo, SP 01109-010, Brazil; ... email: menollijr@yahoo.com.br (corresponding author) bNúcleo de Pesquisa em Micologia, Instituto de ...

Pterocladiella feldmannii sp. nov. and P. hamelii sp. nov. (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta), two new species uncovered in Madagascar during the Atimo Vatae expedition

Article - Cryptogamie, Algologie 37 (3) - 26/08/2016

    Mmoires de la socit nationale des sciences naturelles et mathématiques de ... ro cl ad ie ll a au st ra la fr ic an en si s          P C 01 66 26 7 (M A D 03 ... ie ll a m el an oi de a    e x                    ...

Buxus rabenantoandroi G.E. Schatz & Lowry, nouveau nom pour une Buxaceae malgache.

Article - Adansonia 25 (1) - 08/07/2003

& Lowry, homonym postérieur de B. angustifolia Mill. 12 The new name Buxus rabenantoandroi G.E. ... Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166-0299, U.S.A. lowry@mobot.org Département de ... G.E. Schatz & Lowry remplace B. angustifolia G.E. Schatz & Lowry, homonym postérieur de B. ...
