The new genus Aramazdospirifer n. gen. (Cyrtospiriferidae) is erected to include Spirifer orbelianus Abich, 1858 from the lower Famennian of Central Armenia as its type species and to refute long-standing claims related to the affinities of the latter. The micro-ornament and internal structure of this species are investigated and documented for the first time, on the basis of recently collected material from the Ertych horizon of three different sections. Additionally, a neotype is selected for Abich’s species as the type material is lost. Aramazdospirifer orbelianus (Abich, 1858) n. comb. is a biostratigraphically important species for the lower Famennian strata of the Lesser Caucasus. It appears to be restricted to the South-Armenian Block; reports outside this Gondwanan area are discussed and discarded.
Brachiopoda, Spiriferida, lower Famennian, Gondwana, Armenia, neotypification, new genus, new combination