
Luis Felipe ARTIGAS

Publications de l'auteur


Editorial – Diatoms: highly diverse and ubiquitous key-actors in biogeochemical cycles and aquatic ecosystems' productivity

ARTIGAS L. F. & PRYGIEL J. 2013. — Editorial – Diatoms: highly diverse and ubiquitous key-actors in biogeochemical cycles and aquatic ecosystems' productivity. Cryptogamie, Algologie 2013 (2): 75-76.

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Observations of the diatoms Sceptronema orientale Takano and Tabularia parva (Kützing) D.M.Williams & Round on the exoskeleton of copepods in the English Channel and coastal Celtic Seas

GÓMEZ F., COURCOT L. & ARTIGAS L. F. 2020. — Observations of the diatoms Sceptronema orientale Takano and Tabularia parva (Kützing) D.M.Williams & Round on the exoskeleton of copepods in the English Channel and coastal Celtic Seas. Cryptogamie, Algologie 2020 (4): 25-30.

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