
Cryptogamie, Mycologie 33 (1)

Published on
30 March 2012

en Notes on some pannariaceous lichens from New Caledonia


03-09, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (1)

en One neo- and four epitypifications for Cantharellus species from tropical African savannah woodlands


11-17, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (2)

en First report of Neocampanella blastanos, a rare and resupinate member of the family Marasmiaceae (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) from Mayotte (France, Indian Ocean)

Bernard DUHEM & Bart BUYCK

19-24, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (3)

en Lepiota (Agaricales) in northern Thailand-2 Lepiota section Lepiota

Phongeun SYSOUPHANHONG et al.

25-42, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (4)

en Effects of long-term heavy metal contamination on soil fungi in the Mediterranean area

Marcella PASQUALETTI et al.

43-57, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (5)

en Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from El Hierro (Canary Islands), a survey, including five new species

Pieter P. G. VAN DEN BOOM & Damien ERTZ

59-97, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (6)

en A new species of Corynesporella and two new records from southern China

Yi Dong ZHANG et al.

99-104, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (7)

en Clavulina incrustata, a new species from Pernambuco, Brazil


105-113, Published on 30 March 2012, art. 33 (8)