
Première approche du profil céphalique des suidés sur le site d'Andone (Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, Charente; 950-1028 ap. J.-C.)

Philippe MIGAUD

fr Anthropozoologica 10 - Pages 23-30

Published on 01 June 1989

First communication about pigs cephalic profile on the archaeological site of Andone (950-1028 A.D.)

The outline of domesticated pigs in the Middle Ages is still incompletely known; and, if it seems that on some medieval sites pigs have been founded, on the site of Andone on the contrary, it appears (resulting from an osteometric investigation) that the animals ail look like wild boar.


Pig, Wild Boar, Middle Ages, Osteometry.

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