
Nayyer IQBAL

Author publications


Quelques données stratigraphiques sur le Permien inférieur du Salt Range (Pakistan)

IQBAL N., BROUTIN J., IZART A., COQUEL R., VACHARD D. & HASAN BAQRI S. R. 1998. — Quelques données stratigraphiques sur le Permien inférieur du Salt Range (Pakistan), in CRASQUIN-SOLEAU S., IZART A., VASLET D. & DE WEVER P. (eds), Peri-Tethys: stratigraphie correlations 2. Geodiversitas 20 (4): 723-730.

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Stratigraphic correlations between the continental and marine Tethyan and Peri-Tethyan basins during the Late Carboniferous and the Early Permian

IZART A., VASLET D., BRIAND C., BROUTIN J., COQUEL R., DAVYDOV V., DONSIMONI M., EI WARTITI M., ENSEPBAEV T., GELUK M., GOREVA N., GÖRÜR N., IQBAL N., JOLTAEV G., KOSSOVAYA O. L., KRAINER K., LAVEINE J.-P., MAKHLINA M. K., MASLO A., NEMIROVSKAYA T., KORA M., KOZITSKAYA R., MASSA D., MERCIER D., MONOD O., OPLUSTIL S., SCHNEIDER J. W., SCHÖNLAUB H., STSCHEGOLEV A., SÜSS P., VACHARD D., VAI G. B., VOZÁROVÁ A., WEISSBROD T. & ZDANOWSKI A. 1998. — Stratigraphic correlations between the continental and marine Tethyan and Peri-Tethyan basins during the Late Carboniferous and the Early Permianin, in CRASQUIN-SOLEAU S., IZART A., VASLET D. & DE WEVER P. (eds), Peri-Tethys: stratigraphie correlations 2. Geodiversitas 20 (4): 521-595.
2,. Geodiversitas 20 (4): 521-595.

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